How to Develop Leadership in Teens


When you think of a leader- what do you see? Do you see a person standing in front of the room with a microphone? Is it the coach with the whistle? Or could it be the friend who speaks up to others when you can't seem to find the words? Is it leadership when the teammate who cheers for you on the side line even when they aren’t playing?

At the Road Less Traveled, we believe that anyone can be a leader in their own way. A leader isn’t always the loudest or the strongest in the group, but they do the right thing when no one is looking. A genuine leader understands their own strengths and weaknesses and recognizes when it is best to lead and when it is best to follow to accomplish the goal at hand. They listen to the needs of others, show empathy, passion and drive. They support the group in reaching a common goal, no matter their role. 

Our programs are designed to develop leadership qualities in our travelers. By living and working together as a group, our travelers will have experiences building relationships, communicating, and working with others towards common goals. Our travelers will work together to plan and prepare meals, assist with navigation, and take ownership of daily tasks. Each traveler will have the opportunity to step into a defined leadership role as Leader of the Day. They will have the chance to make decisions, delegate tasks, and inspire their peers. They will do this with the support of trained staff who model positive behaviors and attitudes, inspiring our teenagers to do the same. By demonstrating respect, responsibility, and teamwork, our staff support the creation of a safe and positive environment that fosters the development of leadership skills. 

We believe that true leadership involves showing the thought process behind decisions. Our staff encourages our participant to ask questions, share their ideas, participate and lead discussions. By involving them in decision-making, we help them understand the importance of considering all perspectives before making a choice. We strive to find ways for every kid to be a leader on the trip. Whether it’s taking the lead on a hiking trail, helping someone overcome their fears, or simply being a supportive and positive member of the group, there are countless opportunities for everyone to shine.

Olly Cayless