How a summer program can set your child up for success in the new school year


It goes without saying that every parent or guardian wishes their child to benefit from the very best, including the right support to help them succeed academically. So, what part can our summer student travel programs at The Road Less Traveled (RLT) play in this? Are they essentially just a bit of fun for young participants? 

The short answer to that last question is: definitely not! 

Of course, we take great pride in our summer student travel programs being tons of fun for everyone involved. But when teens join their peers on our service and adventure programs to various countries around the world, they will also experience personal growth in numerous areas, with this having a positive knock-on effect on their studies. 

Some of this growth does happen naturally, but our 30 plus years of experience and program development means our trips are specifically designed to go further than just scratching the surface of this growth. Our program content digs deeper, helping students learn, develop, reflect and understand more. It is part of our core mission to foster growth in all who travel with us, and here are a few examples of what we mean. 

A summer program offers learning opportunities that a classroom cannot 

Learning in a classroom setting provides a foundation for students to learn about a wide variety of topics. As parents, our aim for school is to set our kids up for success in life, inspire them, and expose them to core subjects, as well as new fields, subjects, ideas, and research that will ignite a passion within them. In addition to classes at school, it also offers teens opportunities to learn more about themselves in social settings and grow as part of the school community. 

In this spirit, the RLT experience participants have each summer has many parallels. Although instead of just theoretical learning, we allow students to learn through doing, and get practical life skills that supplement their school experience. A student currently learning Spanish, for example, could test their skills in the most authentic way possible by interacting with native speakers on our Spain: Connect Through Community program or on our Puerto Rico: Reefs To Rainforests program. 

Or perhaps your child may be intrigued by our Thailand: Elephants, Education, And Cultural Exploration trip, which could enable them to experience what it’s like being the teacher? On this trip, your 9th - 12th grader could be teaching English in elementary schools in Bangkok. The self-confidence and self-awareness that they gain from this experience is frequently reported to have positive impacts on their own studies when they return home. 

A summer program can help your kids make friends and build their social skills  

A key factor that can shape a young person’s success in the classroom, and in broader life, is their ability to form and maintain social connections with others. It sounds simple right? But many teens these days struggle with making friends and have social anxiety when it comes to group settings. 

Participation in our summer student travel programs allows a young person to develop these skills in safe and supportive environment. They will meet other teens who they would never have otherwise met, and make friendships that potentially last a lifetime. Unlike a school setting, students live, eat, sleep, work and learn together in a tight knit community while on the trip. 

This presents both challenges and opportunities for students. It allows them to develop their social skills, and learn from others how being a supportive friend, an empathetic listener, a positive leader, or putting the needs of others before their own can form powerful bonds. 

We hear year after year how the social skills teens develop on RLT trips play a vital role in the other communities they are involved with, whether in the classroom, sports team, friend groups, or clubs. 

A summer program that ensures your child receives individualized attention 

By maintaining a maximum student-to-leader ratio on our trips of 8:1 – this frequently being as low as 4:1 or even 2:1 while working with expert guides – we help ensure your child benefits from close personal attention and assistance. This will help them thrive during their chosen RLT program. Our leaders really get to know each student, spend time with them, learn about them and support them while on the trip. RLT programs are not coach tours or large group activity breaks. We want close knit, small and cohesive groups that allow students to grow and meet other like minded people. 

Our program leaders – with an average age of 26 years old – are compassionate, skilled, and committed people, who will encourage your kids to take on new challenges and to develop capabilities they might have never known they had. 

In the process, your child will be helped to develop a “growth mindset” that empowers them to give their best once they are back in the classroom. 

Are you interested in learning more about our summer student travel programs for 2025 or beyond? If so, please schedule a call with an RLT director so we can chat about your child, your goals, and what our programs are like in more detail. 

Olly Cayless