Lessons for the future: How to reflect on your teen travel program experience.


What an incredible summer of travel it has been! 

Teens who have just come back from their RLT summer travel programs, are probably settling back into normal home life, and won’t be massively surprised to read us say that we believe in traveling being a hugely transformative learning experience. Most, if not all of our travelers would agree, and will have probably felt this first hand over the summer! 

We always design our youth travel programs not to be “vacations”, but to be adventures – and a true adventure involves pushing beyond your comfort zone and challenging yourself as a person. 

Students may have been challenged by being away from home for the first time; or being in an unfamiliar country abroad; or facing fears through adventure activities; or even by practical service projects they were part of. This challenge in the moment can be hard, and it is important to reflect on how we manage and overcome these challenges on our summer adventures. 

Many teens who have joined our programs have reflected over the course of their trip on what they have experienced and learned, with the help of methods such as journalling, solitude sits, small group discussions, and other processing activities. But the reflection shouldn't stop there! 

So, if you are indeed reading this having returned home from your trip with The Road Less Traveled, what additional steps can you take to look back on your travel experience, and how can you start thinking about how this may shape your views, actions, and decisions moving forward? 

Some helpful questions that can help with reflection and processing:

    • What Were the Highlights? The most memorable and impactful moments of the trip. These could be interactions with locals, unique activities, or personal achievements.

    • What Were the Challenges? What obstacles were faced during the program, whether they were cultural, social, or personal. How were they overcome?

    • What Did You Learn About Yourself? Any personal growth, strengths, and areas for improvement?

    • How Did You Engage with the Culture? Reflect on interactions with locals, customs experienced, and the impact of cultural immersion.

    • What New Perspectives Did You Gain? Think about any changes in worldview or understanding of global issues that may have arisen from exposure to different cultures and environments.

    • How Did You Connect with Others? Consider the friendships and connections made during the program. How did they contribute to the overall experience?

    • What Would You Do Differently? Reflect on any decisions or actions that, in hindsight, could have been approached differently.

Ultimately, the goal of reflection is to help recognize your growth, gain a deeper appreciation for the experiences, and carry the lessons learned into their future endeavors.

Take as much time as you need to process what you have learned 

We all learn in different ways, and over the course of your cultural immersion program with RLT, you are likely to have been tested in ways that you never previously imagined or expected, let alone experienced. 

Perhaps, over the course of your travels, you took on a service project, and were forced to “think on your feet” when an unanticipated challenge arose? Maybe you’re still kicking yourself over certain things that went wrong? Or maybe you had other experiences on your trip that you found so rewarding, they are already giving you ideas of what to do next in order to further develop yourself? 

The process of reflection inevitably looks different for everyone who returns from one of our summer youth travel programs. So, don’t be afraid to take your time over that process, and to look back in a positive and constructive way. As they say, there are no mistakes – only learning experiences! 

Think about how the lessons you learned can be translated back in the ‘real world’

Even if you never again take on another challenge that looks like one of our summer youth travel programs, you will have almost certainly learned more about yourself – and the world – as a consequence of this process, than you fully recognize right now. 

And as you settle back into “normal” life and proceed with your education or whatever projects you plan to test yourself on next, it can be a good idea to consider how you will apply the lessons you’ve learned. 

We’re proud here at RLT of how our teen travel programs assist young people in stretching themselves personally and developing their self-confidence, resourcefulness, and sense of community service. 

You are also likely to have come back from your trip with a deepened appreciation of a world that is much bigger than yourself – and that is certainly something that can be applied to whatever you do next. So cherish those RLT memories and lessons, and let them guide you in your onward journey.

Start planning future experiences – including for the summer of 2024! 

Hopefully, if there is at least one thing you will have definitely learned from your RLT adventure program, that the world is an incredible place to explore! – So, why not start thinking about some of the meaningful ways you could be spending next summer? 

Build on your summer experience this year, and find a trip for next summer that can continue your personal growth. Maybe a different part of the world, a different type of service, another scuba certification, or just pushing yourself to try something completely new. Our full range of summer 2024 programs is now live, so take a look for your next adventure!  

Olly Cayless