At The Road Less Traveled we often joke that there are two different types of fun. 

“Type 1 Fun” is the feeling that you have while doing the activity in the moment- picture tubing down a river in Belize, beautiful weather, the water is crystal clear, birds are chirping, arms crossed behind your head, living is easy. 

Now “Type 2 Fun” may not be the joy of the experience above but is the type of fun that you have after the fact, in the retelling, in the folklore of the tale. It’s the good stuff, the type of fun that you will remember for years and years when things don’t go according to plan. “Type 2 Fun” is often uncomfortable- it’s huddling with the group under a tent playing cards during a rainstorm, it’s the mud squishing between your toes on a hike, it’s accidentally spilling half the pot of mac and cheese on the ground. If those sound oddly specific it is because I have experienced all those things adventuring outdoors. Was I uncomfortable? Yes. Was I stretched? Yes. And in those moments would I rather have had a sunny day, clean feet and a full pot of mac and cheese? Definitely. But it is those experiences that were the building blocks for other challenges in my life. In those moments, I learned that being uncomfortable is not necessarily a bad thing, that I am more capable than I could have imagined and that when I put my mind to it, I can problem solve, find solutions, and be flexible.  Experiences that can be labeled “Type 2 Fun” often lead to growth, resilience, confidence, unforgettable memories and sometimes with the right reframing of the experience lots and lots of laughter. On an RLT trip, you will have both Type 1 AND Type 2 fun. 

On an RLT trip, you will be challenged outside your comfort zone. 

This will look different for everyone. You will learn how to be independent to take care of yourself, be a member of a group, and in doing so you will gain confidence. You will be responsible for navigating on a hike, leading service crews, planning meals and not everything is going to go to plan.  When it is your turn to do the cooking you might spill the mac and cheese on the ground (5 second rule?). You might go the wrong direction on the trail only to find yourself in a mud pit (which way is north?). You never know, a mishap while doing your laundry on a trip might be a memory you will never forget (hello, bubbles!). That is truly part of the adventure of being outside, taking care of yourself and others, living in a community and venturing outside of your comfort zone. 

In whatever ways you are challenged, the RLT leaders and your trip mates will support and cheer you on.  

Throughout the experience, you will be challenged in many different ways that will build resilience and self confidence but don’t worry, you won’t be alone. You will make incredible lifelong friends with people from all over the country. You will have role models in your leaders (many of whom were RLT participants!). You will engage in intentional programming that will prompt you to dig deeper into your experience and the relationships you build on trip. For instance, every few days you will participate in “soul groups” which are small group meetings. During “soul group” you will discuss your challenges, goals, memories and ways that the experience can be improved upon for you and others. You will also have a private journal that will be given to you at the start of the trip which is a place where you can reflect on your experience as well as a group journal to jot down memories shared among the crew. You are always welcome to write letters home and you will get a chance to call home to share your experiences once while on a trip, usually around the halfway point. The leaders will challenge you to become more and more independent over the course of the trip- being the leader of the day, doing food planning and preparation, cleaning, navigation and leading activities for your group. All of which will help build confidence and independence for life after your trip.  

An experience like an RLT trip is a building block for your future.

As you travel, meet new people, learn a language, volunteer in your local community, and beyond, you will be able to think back to your experience. Seeing the world, supporting local service efforts, being a part of a community and doing adventure activities- there is bound to be both type 1 and type 2 fun. It is our hope that through the type 2 fun that you will build self confidence, resilience and independence so when you experience challenges at home, you won’t back down but persevere through. 


Kacy Lebby