The Value of Service Work: Why Teens Should Choose a Service Trip Next Summer with The Road Less Traveled


Are you looking for a unique and transformative experience for your teen next summer? One that combines personal growth, and the opportunity to make a real difference in the world?

You are in the right place! At The Road Less Traveled, we combine intentional and meaningful service work with unforgettable travel experiences that foster personal growth for 6th to 12th graders.

Why Service Work and Volunteering Matter

In today’s busy, digitally-driven world, it’s more important than ever for teens to take a pause, connect with real people (not online) and be part of a community that is doing good in the world. Service work and volunteering offer unique opportunities for personal growth and community impact that are hard to find elsewhere. It is important for the communities we are visiting as part of our service work, as well as the students themselves. Read on to learn more about the impact teen volunteering projects can have.

Personal Growth and Development

  1. Building Character and Compassion: Volunteering helps teens understand the importance of empathy, kindness, and giving back to the community. Engaging with different cultures and communities fosters a deep sense of compassion and appreciation for the world outside of students home communities.

  2. Leadership and Social Responsibility: Taking part in service projects requires teens to step up, often go out of their comfort zone, show initiative, and work collaboratively. These experiences build leadership skills and a strong sense of social responsibility.

  3. Igniting a Passion: Service work lets students learn experientially, rather than just in a classroom setting. This often ignites a passion and leads them on a journey to follow their interests. We have had students who follow a career path as a direct result of the impactful experience they had on their summer service program.

Broadening Horizons for all

  1. Cultural Awareness: Traveling and working in diverse communities exposes teens to new cultures, traditions, and ways of life. This cultural immersion is invaluable in fostering global citizens who appreciate and respect differences. It also gives local communities exposure to new people, support, and ideas that can have positive knock on consequences in many areas.

  2. Language Skills: Many service trips provide opportunities to practice and improve language skills in an immersive environment, enhancing communication abilities and boosting confidence. This is for both students and local communities.

  3. New Friendships and Networks: Service trips unite people from various backgrounds with a common purpose, forging lasting friendships and networks that can extend far beyond the trip.

Making a Real Impact

  1. Community Improvement: The projects teens participate in during RLT service trips often have a lasting positive impact on the communities they serve. We are very intentional with who we partner with, and only ever go where help is needed AND wanted. All of our service work is directed by local members of the community and we work alongside them based on the needs at the time of the trip. This is not tokenistic service, we feed into ongoing projects that are intentional, structured and really making a difference.

  2. Environmental Stewardship: Many of our trips focus on environmental conservation and sustainability, teaching teens the importance of protecting our planet. They come away with a greater understanding of environmental issues and how they can contribute to solutions. We take time to process what they have learnt, and think about ways they can continue as environmental stewards when they get home. Even with small actions, collectively this can make a real impact.

  3. The start of your impact: There’s a unique satisfaction that comes from knowing you’ve made a difference in someone’s life. This sense of fulfillment can be deeply motivating and inspire a lifelong commitment to service. Our favorite phrase “It’s good to do good. Doing good develops a passion for doing good.” That!

Make a positive change Next Summer

A service trip with The Road Less Traveled is more than just a summer adventure; it’s an opportunity to grow, learn, and make a tangible difference in the world. Encourage your teen to take The Road Less Traveled and join us on a journey that will shape their future in incredible ways. To learn more, schedule a call with one of the team, who love to share more about the value and impact service programs can have on middle and high school students.