Summer Leadership Programs For Teens


Developing leadership qualities in your teen 

What is good leadership? Being the most confident or the most outspoken? Or is it doing the right thing when no one is watching?

Leadership is not just important for CEO’s, governments, and world leaders. An ability to lead is invaluable for everyone, not least in our communities and societies, in which we all need to be effective and inspiring leaders in order to change our world for the better. 

After all, take a moment to think of some of the qualities you associate with great leaders: an ability to inspire and motivate others, to set a good example to their peers, to be empathetic and understanding, and to create and communicate a strong vision and direction for the future, to cite just a few. All qualities we would love our kids to posses.

So how do you develop leadership in teens? We may be able to help!

Summer Leadership Programs that Inspire and Excite! 

For 30 plus years we have been developing leadership qualities in our teens here at The Road Less Traveled (RLT). We use meaningful travel experiences as a vehicle for developing leadership. With intentional programming and a variety of impactful opportunities, teens are able to develop their confidence, use and hone their leadership skills, and figure out what sort of leaders they are, and how they want to put their leadership to use. 

With us, your teen could be taking the lead on important animal based service projects at a Colorado wolf sanctuary, in charge of leading and navigating a backcountry hike in Maine, teaching new backcountry skills they have learnt in British Columbia, or working as a team on citizen science data collection in Hawaii

The above are just a few examples of the variety of domestic teen travel programs we offer and how leadership opportunities naturally occur as part of these trips. We weave in leadership development as part of the program and empower students to become leaders within their group. Each student has opportunities to take leadership roles, while learning and reflecting with the support and guidance from their peers, and our own RLT leaders. 

When it comes to leadership, RLT’s own leaders set an excellent example! 

Part of developing teen leadership skills is having positive role models and strong influential leaders. Our trip leaders do just this! Modeling values of honesty, integrity, empathy, awareness, trust, respect and compassion for others, as well as their high level of skill and experience in working with young people, our program leaders are superb leaders in themselves. 

Our maximum student-to-leader ratio of 8:1 will further help ensure your teen receives the individual attention and help that they require in order to become a confident and competent leader of tomorrow. 

So, if you would like your teen to develop their leadership skills, while helping make the world a better place through service work, and exploring exciting new places and countries, why not browse our range of available RLT programs for this summer! 

If you would like to learn more about how teen travel can develop leadership and personal growth, schedule a call with an RLT director, so we can share more about our programs. 

Olly Cayless